Following the release of our new look TV campaign before Christmas, we’ve commissioned a piece of research around the campaign to find out how many of you dance while cooking.

Our 40’ TV ad focuses on the fun and shared emotion of cooking together & the versatility of Albert Bartlett potatoes and stars a father and daughter dream team cooking delicious dishes and dancing to the sizzling sounds of James Brown’s classic, “Papa’s got a brand new bag”.
A startling result is that 29% of those who listen to music while cooking dance like there is no one watching, with the highest proportion being based in London (34%), whereas those in Scotland are more reserved with only 22% prepared to channel their inner Travolta.
It appears that men are far more self-conscious than women because of those who dance while they are cooking, only 19% of the male respondents dance like no one is watching, whereas 37% of female respondents are happy to dance with abandon.

The research conducted by YouGov asked UK adults if they listened to music whilst cooking and, of those who do; it turns out that pop music is by far the most popular (30%), followed by rock (15%).
A further 9% of people in the UK prefer soothing classical music for cooking and 5% like to rock out to metal or punk.

However, the research findings showed that of those who listen to music some may dance to the Godfather of Soul, other people play air guitar (6%) and around 7% of people claim to do a full dance routine while cooking to music. These people are clearly ‘Doing the Albert Bartlett’ in style!
All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2169 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 11th – 12th December 2019. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all UK adults (aged 18+).
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