Homity Pie Rolls

Little rolls of Homity Pie 'homeyness', perfect for picnics!

Cooking PotMETHOD

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them into medium sized pieces.

  2. Place in a saucepan of cold salted water and bring to the boil.

  3. Turn the heat down to a simmer and boil for around 20 minutes, or until the potato is cooked and tender enough to mash.

  4. In the meantime, place the sliced onion in a large non-stick pan with a drizzle of oil. Fry on a medium to low heat for 10 minutes until soft.

  5. Stir the cavolo nero into the pan and fry for a further 3 minutes.

  6. When the potatoes are tender, drain them and mash until smoothish with a fork.

  7. Stir in the onions and cavolo nero mix, mayo, ground black pepper and cheese. Stir until combined and leave to cool.

  8. Line or grease a large baking tray and heat the oven to 180C.

  9. Place the pastry onto the worktop and cut in half lengthways.

  10. Spoon around half (you may need less) of the potato mixture in a narrow line, down the middle of one of the strips of pastry. Use a spoon to ensure that it's evenly spread all the way through.

  11. Lift one pastry edge over the filling until it joins the other pastry edge. Press the edges firmly together. Use a fork to make indents along the join and trim any messy edges. Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with some sesame seeds.

  12. Cut the length of roll into roughly 8 equal sized Homity Rolls and place them on the baking tray. Repeat with the remaining length of pastry and mashed potato.

  13. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, or until golden.

  14. Remove from the oven. Place the rolls on a cooling rack. While they're still warm, use the back of a teaspoon to gently press any escaped filling back into the pastry.

  15. Leave to cool a little before serving.

This recipe was created & photographed by Amy Sheppard Food.

What you will need

Serves: 4 (makes 16 rolls)

Preparation: 10 mins

Cooking: 45 mins

1kg Albert Bartlett Original Rooster Potatoes
2 medium onions finely sliced
Oil for frying
5 Cavolo Nero leaves finely sliced (tough stems removed)
1 tbsp mayo
1 tsp ground black pepper
200g grated cheddar cheese
A sheet of ready rolled shortcrust pastry
1 beaten egg
A small handful of sesame seeds