Potato and Wild Garlic Tart

If you’re looking for a new veggie dish to cook, this one will be sure to make for an Extraordinary Easter.

Cooking PotMETHOD

  1. Preheat the oven to 175°.

  2. Start with making the pastry. Combine the flour, butter and a good pinch of salt together in a mixing bowl. Rub the butter into the flour with your hands until it resembles fine soft breadcrumbs.

  3. Beat the egg in a bowl and add to the mix. Bring the mix together until a dough has formed.

  4. Knead gently a few times on a clean surface until you have a neat ball of pastry. Wrap with clingfilm and place in the fridge to rest for 1 hour.

  5. Wash the potatoes, cut in half length ways, then thinly slice.

  6. Add the butter to a frying pan and gently melt. Add in the potato slices, season with salt and allow to gently cook on a low heat for 35 minutes, giving them a gentle stir occasionally.

  7. Once the potatoes are cooked, remove from the pan leaving in the remaining butter.

  8. Add the wild garlic to the butter and cook for a couple of minutes until wilted. Remove and put to one side.

  9. In a bowl whisk together the eggs and double cream with salt and pepper until combined.

  10. Once the pastry has rested, remove from the cling film and place on a lightly floured surface. Roll out the pastry to the thickness of a £1 coin.

  11. Cut out 3 rounds from the pastry and line 3 individual 8cm tart cases. Line the tart cases with the pastry and prick the bottoms with a fork. Leave a little pastry over the edge, as this will help it to not shrink and you can trim it off later. Line the pastry with non stick baking paper and then fill with baking beans or an old grain (I keep a jar of rice which I just for this).

  12. Place the tart cases in the oven for 20 minutes. After 20 minutes remove the baking paper and baking beans. Bake for a further 5 minutes or until the bottom is dry.

  13. Layer the potatoes and wild garlic into the pastry cases. Once nicely filled, add the filling mix until the potatoes are covered and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

  14. Once cooked, serve warm or at room temperature with a fresh spring salad.

Recipe created and photographed by @hannahmaieats

What you will need

Serves: 3

Preparation: 60 mins

Cooking: 45 mins

For the Shortcrust pastry:
225g plain flour
125g butter
1 large egg

500g Albert Barlett golden potatoes
150g butter
100g wild garlic leaves, stalks removed
4 eggs
300g double cream
Salt and pepper